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The markets.

We have more than once taken occasion to al the exorbitant prices demanded for the of life in our markets, particularly the of the soil. A gentleman who has devoted of years to the cultivation of these article furnishes us with the following startling facts the products of one acre of ground are were at the ruling rates: ‘"Green corn,$1 per dozen per barrel, allowing 600 ears to the bar barrels to the acre is considered a good crop hence once sere of roosting ears in our worth $400; onions, 10 cents a piece. per acre, allowing them to be planted in three by six inches, besides a large margin for walks; beets about the same; cabbage, $1 per per acre, planted three feet apart; potatoes $8 to $16 per bushel--one hundred to the acre would be worth $800 to $1,600 per acre, tomatoes, $1 per dozen, allowing 100 to the hill the hills nearly three feet apart, $40,000 per acre. At four cents per hill, one acre in tomatoes would produce $200 worth. "’ These are really and, without making the calculation to determine their accuracy, we submit them to the pubic. At ordinary prices, from $200 to worth of vegetables is considered a good yield per acre. Cotton planting, the most profitable and cultivation, does not average more than per acre.

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