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Police Matters.

--A warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of Nelson and Cary, slaves of Dr. Haxall, and Charles Allen, a free negro, on the charge of breaking into the tobacco store of John Roucher, 14th street, between Main and Franklin streets, on Thursday, and stealing $10. --Dennis Shoehan was arraigned before Recorder Caskie, at the City Hall, yesterday, for violating the market ordinances by buying produce therein to sell again. The articles were confiscated to the use of the city. At the same time, Ned Hutchinson, free negro, was arraigned for buying a lot of chickens to sell again. He was fined $10. The chickens were ordered to be sold for the benefit of the city.--A judgment similar to the last was entered against Mrs. William Brant, charged with a like offence.--Yesterday, Jack, slave of Wm. G. Taylor, for having in his possession a lot of sugar for which he could not satisfactorily account, was ordered 20 lashes.--Gustave P. Torney, charged with making an unprovoked assault on Wm. J. McCort, at the Columbian Hotel, on Thursday, was required to give $200 surety to keep the peace, and failing, was sent so jail. Defendant struck McCort because he observed, in answer to an interrogatory to that effect, that he was talking about him. --Meyer Myers, brought up on the charge of shooting at Wm. J. King, a soldier of the 14th Louisiana regiment, was find $10 for violating a city ordinance by using fire-arms in one of the public streets. Ring, who was arraigned for attempting to shoot Myers, was let off. --About one dozen darkeys, living on the alley leading into 22d street, between Main and Franklin, were up for allowing a nuisance (other than themselves) to accumulate in that neighborhood. They were let off on their promise to make a united effort to abate the subject of complaint.--John Collins, a white man, arrested at the instance of Mrs. Hannah Dobson for violent and unprovoked abuse, was discharged with a reprimand.

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Meyer Myers (2)
Gustave P. Torney (1)
William G. Taylor (1)
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Nelson (1)
William J. McCort (1)
William J. King (1)
Jack (1)
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Haxall (1)
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