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Prepared for swindling.

--Two men named John Jefferson and James Coley, who say they are from Washington county, and members of the 37th Va. regiment, were arrested yesterday with a large amount of bogus shinplasters in their possession, which they were endeavoring to pass. They had two sets of notes, one dated Petersburg, Va., signed ‘"Jefferson & Daniel,"’ promising to pay bearer in currant funds two dollars, when presented in sums of ten dollars and another dated Wytheville, signed ‘"Banking Company,"’ of the denomination of one and two dollars. They succeeded in passing six dollars of the Petersburg issue at the Cabell House, and one dollar at the Norvell House, and when arrested, were attempting to pass upon a negro market man a two dollar note in the payment for a bunch of beets, for which the negro would have given them good money in change. These notes were dated Petersburg and Wytheville, July 21, but were printed in this city. A search of their persons and baggage showed the fact that they were going into the swindling operation upon an extensive scale, having about $2,000 of the bogus money in their possession. They were committed to jail for trial this morning.--Lynchburg (Va.) Republican, 23rd.

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Washington county (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
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