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The markets

--The excretion of the hucksters in the city markets is growing worse daily. They charge unscrupulously, and without hesitation double their charges in a single night. The prices of the common necessaries of life are becoming outrageous, and needlessly so, could the stalls be put in proper hands and be governed by proper regulations. In our markets the stalls are principally held by foreigners, exempt from military duty from not having taken the oath of allegiance, exempt from taxes, and feeling no interest in our Government other than it is a good place to make money. Having everything in their own hands they are very arbitrary, and charge exactly as they please without regard to the cost of an article they have for sale. Yesterday morning eggs were selling at $1 per dozen; ordinary bacon 45 per lb., and salt 50 per quart. To put such prices as these upon such articles is unbearable, and we call upon the authorities for reform. It is true, there is a little salt which is sold for 10 per quart, but this soon runs out, and those who come late are put at the mercy the unmerciful hucksters. How are the poor of the city to live, if the necessaries of life are thus controlled by avaricious hucksters and greedy sharpers? If there is no other way of restricting these swindling operations, the stalls can at least be put in the hands of Virginians, and taken from those non-citizens who have proven themselves unworthy to hold them.

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