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--Several audacious robberies have been perpetrated in Richmond within the last two days. A sick soldier was robbed yesterday of all his money, by ruffians who met him on the Dock, and another man of the same class was robbed in broad day light, yesterday near the Georgia Hospital, in the lower part of the city, by three men, who first enticed him into a vacant lot and then knocked him down and denuded him of every cent he possessed. At a quarter to ten o'clock on Thursday night, Mr. Charles A. Brockmeye was accosted by three soldiers near John W. Frayser's store, on Seventeenth street, knocked down, choked, and robbed of a valuable hunting case gold watch and chain. One of the ruffians said, ‘"Take him!"’ when another seized him around the neck, another around the leg, and the third completed the operation by pulling his watch from his person, leaving only the hook that secured it to his vest. One of the men put his foot on the face of Mr. B. and the concussion made a hole in his head. The noise alarmed a German woman living near by, who came to her door and raised an alarm, when the rascals walked off. Brockmeyer being prostrated from the effects of the attack, was assisted into the store of Mr. Frayser, who, after restoring him to some degree of consciousness, conveyed him home. No watchman or other guardian of the night appeared on the scene of action during the enactment of the above proceeding. Mr. B. had over $200 in notes in his pockets, but the robbers did not stop to get it. Where were the watch?

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