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Progress of the War.

The telegraph has already briefly communicated the fact that the enemy made a demonstration at Cole's Island, twelve miles from Charleston, last Tuesday. We find in the Mercury, of the 21st, the following particulars:

The enemy in Stone river — Bombardment of Coln's Island — evacuation of our positions.

During the forencen of Tuesday a courier from Battery Island brought the news that the enemy was making a demonstration in that neighborhood. In the afternoon the steamer marion, Capt. Flynn, reached the city from Stone river, bringing the details of the movements of the Yankee gun boats in that stream.

It appears that the gunboats, four in number, and all being small and schooner-rigged, having sounded and buoyed out Stone Inlet, crossed the bar about ten o'clock on Tuesday morning. One of them, while passing in, got aground, and remained so; the three others succeeded-in entering the harbor, and immediately opened a vigorous fire of shell upon Cole's Island. Previous to the appearance of the gunboats, our defensive works on Cole's Island had, by order of Gen. Pemberton, been dismantled, and the guns removed. When the enemy had opened the attack Col. Capers, the commander of the post, carrying out his instructions, burned, the barracks out down the flagstaff, and with his forces evacuated the Island.

The enemy's gunboats, finding that our men had retreated, steamed slowly up the river, keeping up a rapid fire of random shells on either side as they advanced, and finally anchored near Battery Island and Legareville. Upon the approach of the gunboats, our positions on Battery Island were also evacuated and the quarters burned.

The Courier given some additional facts, which we append:

The vessels which approached the entrance were four in number, one of which got ashore on the bar, and three came into the harbor at Stono, all of them being small vessels, steam propellers, and schooner rigged. They immediately commenced shelling Cole's Island, Goal and Kiawah Islands, and as our heavy guns at those points had been removed by order of General Pemberton, the troops which were stationed there immediately evacuated the place, burning the barracks and other property before leaving. The Lincoln war vessels immediately continued up Stono river, firing all the way, and finally laid too at a point near Battery Island and Legareville. The position at Battery Island was also given up on the approach of the enemy, and the quarters burnt. It is said by those who witnessed it that a person on John's Island hoisted the white flag on the approach of the gun boats.

Lieut, Stevens, in command of a detachment on board the steamers Marion and General Clinch, very kindly offered this individual any assistance necessary for the removal of his negroes and valuables, but he resolutely declined, saying he would claim protection elsewhere, and immediately after wards raised the while flag. The gunboats answered by also raising a while flag fore and aft, and came up to his assistance. We reserve comment until we are enabled to obtain something more authentic. In strong contrast with that proceeding was the act of two faithful negroes, who, when the boats were approaching Legareville, gathered some combustible material and set fire to the wharf to prevent the enemy from landing.

Partisan service.

The following letter from the Secretary of War, in respect to the formation of partisan companies under the recent act of Congress, is valuable at the present time:

Confederate States of America,
War Department
May 15th, 1862
Hon Wm Porcher Miles, Charleston, S, C:
Sir:Authority to raise partisan corps is granted only upon application, approved by the General commanding the department in which their services are required. The number of such corps, and their kind of arm of service, are thus left exclusively within the control of the General commanding the department. The officers thus authorized are commissioned with proper rank when the corps is mustered; till subordinate officers are electedThese corps must be regularly enlisted and mustered for the war , and must be organized as other corps of the like arm, viz: 60 privates to each company of cavalry, 64 to each company of infantry, &c. It is not considered desirable to increase the number of such corps beyond the actual exigencies of the services in each department, and this is the purpose of the rule which has been adopted, and is stated above. Volunteers for such corps may be received within the ages of conscription, from any persons not actually in service, or carolled as conscripts. In regard to pay, bounty, clothing, arms, &c, their corps stand on precisely the same as other volunteers for the war.


Geo. W. Randolph,
Secretary of War.

An Edict from John Charles Fremont.

We have received the following copy of a "circular" issued by Fremond, unregard to captured "rebels," &c:

Headquarters Mountain Department,Wheeling, Va. April 30, 1862.


The following instructions from the General commanding are transmitted for your government in the cases specified:

  1. 1. Prisoners will not be surrendered to the United States Marshal until they are indicted.
  2. 2. When the Major General Commanding is in the field, and it is not convenient to communicate with him on urgent cases, they shall be referred to the Department, Judge Advocate Major R. M. Corwide, for his opinion and direction.
  3. 3. Persons who are charged with disloyalty, and sent to prison by order of any commandmanding officer of a Division. Brigade, Regiment or Post, shall be sent to Camp Chase to await the order of the Secretary of War.
  4. 4. Persons arrested, who are charged with having served under the rebel Government, whether in the military, judicial, executive or legislative departments, will not be discharged, but will at once be committed to Camp Chase, with a statement embodying a history of their case, there to await the order of the War Department.
  5. 5. All persons taken with arms in their hands, who shall have been actually engaged as guerrillas at the time of their capture, shall be tried by military commission, at the headquarters of the nearest brigade commander, and the proceedings in each case submitted for final decision to the General Commanding the Department.
  6. 6. The arrest of all persons will be promptly reported to Major Jos. Darr, Jr., Provost Marshal General, Headquarters Wheelling, Va., and particular care will be taken, whenever practicable, to forward, with a descriptive list of the prisoners, complete and sworn evidence against them. Prisoners will in no instance be sent out of this Department without a report to the Provost Marshal General.
By order Major-Gen. Fremont.
H. E. Twall, Asst. Adj't Gen.

The Event of the times.

This is, unquestionably, (says the Lynchburg Virginian) the visit of Abraham Lincoln to the commercial emporium of Virginia — The Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy of the United States came not VI et armis; but after Norfolk had been evacuated by our forces and when not even a Confederate soldier remained behind, King Abraham set foot in the goodly Virginia city, his long-coveted prize. Cœsar had his Blutus, and Charles the First his Cromwell, and Abraham had better profit by their example. Even his army of retainers and mercenaries may not save him if he ventures too far into the territory of the people whom he has plundered and given over to butchery.

It is humiliating to think that this miserable creature and tool of Massachusetts abolitionism has been permitted to pollute the soil of Virginia, and we trust that no further degradation of this sort awaits us. But if the evacuating policy prevails, we shall soon have him in Richmond, giving it out, as he did in Norfolk, that he will receive — most graciously receive, the calls of the people. Who would not rather see that fair city a mass of smouldering ruins than that it should be permitted. Abraham Lincoln to hold his court there for a single hour? What can this man think, who is adding insult to injury? He first sends his brutal hirelings to pillage and murder one people and then obtrudes his own hateful presence in our midst.

How can he expect a man who has the soul of a Virginian, or a freeman, in his bosom, to give him welcome? How can we do other than spurn the wretch who ‘"owes his greatness to his country's ruin?"’ We are glad to know that few were found in Norfolk having such poverty of spirit as to do him reverence. This was as it should have been, and we sincerely trust that it a righteous Providence has such a calamity in store for us as to further open up the way of Lincoln in Virginia, our people will shun him as if he were a leper.

Let him feel that he can rule only by the strong arm of power, and that his presence is hateful, and his name is doomed to execration forever.

The German element in the Northern army.

A Teutonic correspondent of Harper's Weekly makes some revelations about the material of the army now fighting to uphold the gallorious Union. We append an extract, which needs no comment:

I am jealous of the praise you bestow upon the brave troops of every State of the Union, without ever as much as mentioning my countrymen the Germans — or giving them credits for acting in brave action, and you know the . Let me state to you a few in the first place, we come here to better our condition, and to be free; and, I think, you will acknowledge that a more law.

abiding and patriotic element is not found in our country.

When this rebellion broke out we volunteered our full quota to the ranks. Just take as example the State of Missouri. In St, Louis. out of a population of 160,000, 60,000. are Germans. There have furnished three-fourths of all troops raised in Missouri. Two-thirds of the principal men in St. Louis, (Germans excepted,) are Secessionists; but they were kept at bay by the Germans under the old flag. And through hard trials these patriots have gone. Three times were the Home Guards of St. Louis attacked by the mob, but stood their ground well.--For a time no soldier in uniform could go single through the streets of the city without danger of assassination. One by one did the first volunteers go to the Arsenal, to fill the regiment that were recruited there by Slegal, Blair, Boernstein, Osterhans, and others, under our lamented Lyon. Nobly have they done their duty everywhere. Hardly an engagement but the Germans have had their representatives there. Do you remember Carthage — how Gen. Stegel, with 1,500 Germans, whipped 8,000 rebels Have you forgotten Max Weber at Hatteras Inlet, Willich at Rowlett's Station, or the Ninth Ohio at Mill Spring, or Blenker's Division at Bull Run, and the crowning victory at Pea Ridge which was so largely due to our own Siegel? I think it is not right to ignore so entirely the services of an adopted population of about seven and a half millions of our twenty-three millions.

We must fight here

A correspondent of the Lynchburg Virginian, writing from camp, near Richmond, expresses himself as follows:

‘ I hope we have made our last retreat. We must of necessity fight here, or our army will be utterly demoralized. The men infinitely prefer fighting to the long and tedious forced marches. Richmond must be defended to the last extremely. Let us fight here, and my faith is strong as the everlasting hills in our ability to whip the Yankees. Take us beyond here and our army will become dispirited, and I fear our cause will be lost. It is a critical time for us. May our authorities look well to this matter and not entertain for a moment the idea of ‘"abandoning Richmond"’ Better, a thousand times better, fight here, if we are whipped, than ‘"fall back"’ without a struggle. The enemy are approaching Richmond by way of James river in large force, but yet under cover of their gunboats.

[That there will be a battle in the neighborhood of Richmond before many days, we entertain no doubt; and we are equally confident that the enemy will be defeated and that the greatest victory of the war will crown the Confederate arms]

Yankee War

We give below a specimen of the news with which the Northern newspapers entertain their readers. Searching for truth in Yankee journals is very much like searching for a needle in a haystack:

Chicago, May 15--A special dispatch by the steamer City of Memphis, from Pittsburg Landing, says that on Monday two rebel regiments from Kentucky and Tennessee, attempted to desert and come over en masse to the United States army. The enemy held them in check and a mutiny ensued. A strong force from our advanced lines was sent over to interfere, and in a short time returned with sixty prisoners, mostly from the ranks of the deserting regiments. They gave a doleful account of affairs in Beauregard's army, and confirm the previous accounts that their troops from the border States are anxious to return to their former allegiance. The deserters say that there is plenty of subsistence in Corinth.

Cairo,May 15--When General Mitchell joined forces with General Pope, he brought with him 2,500 prisoners. They will be sent to Cairo as soon as transportation can be obtained for them.

In the battle of Farmington one rebel General, supposed to be General Bragg, was killed.

Fifteen deserters, who came into our lines from Corinth, report that several more regiments in Beauregard's army have mutinied, among them the First Louisiana, First Alabama and Second Tennessee regiments.

Cairo May 15--An expedition consisting of six squadrons of Wisdonsia cavalry, from Caps Garardean, went to Bloom field on Saturday. Early on Sunday morning they fell upon Colonel Phelan's rebel camp, scattering the enemy in every direction.

A large number of horses and a quantity of camp equipage and ammunition were taken.

A rebel force, numbering six hundred men, infest Chalk and Bolar Bluffs, impressing all the men and sweeping the country of its horses and cattle supplies which are sent South. That section of country is represented to be in a state of great terror.

Strasburg, May 15--The rebel cavalry, in small parties, appear in our front occasionally, their purpose being apparently to watch our movements and hunt up deserters.

An attempt to flank our advanced post at Narrow Passage Creek was frustrated last night by Gen. Hatch, Chief of the Cavalry, without in engagement.

There are no later advices from Gen. Milroy than have been published.

The skies are clouded and threatening rain. The railroad bridging is progressing rapidly, and through communication will be established this week.

A touching Narrative.

A camp correspondent writes:

‘ The brigade to which our little command is attached has been constantly on the march for the last two weeks. We have come through Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Caroline, Hanover, New Kent, Charles City, and Henrico counties, marching frequently all night long through swamps knee-deep in mud and water, and without anything to eat but two hard crackers per day. Officers who served through the Mexican war say they have never experienced such a march. When the heroic deeds of those who are engaged in this great fight for freedom shall have been written by the future historian no brighter page will be found then that which records the heroism of this gallant brigade in patiently submitting to this long, tedious, and painful march. Their very path way in many places was stained with blood from the bruised and swollen feet of the suffering soldiers. Many gave out on the march, and as we passed them on the roadside they would beg with tears in their eyes that we would send back for them when we reached our camping ground. Some died from exhaustion on the roadside, and we were compelled to leave them with no stone to mark their last roasting place, or tell to future generations how much of worth lies sleeping in these hastily made graves. We have witnessed death and suffering in all its forms, but we confess there is nothing that effects us with such a feeling of sadness as witnessing the burial of these brave, heroic men, far from their homes and kindred, and often times without even a friend near to apprise the loved ones at home of their fate. But we drop a tear to their memory and pass on.

[After reading the above, what man is there with a soul of a man who would withhold from the soldier any aid in his power to bestow? Our brave defenders need many comforts, such as food, clothing, and kind attention, and all should contribute cheerfully and freely]

Affairs in Suffolk

The Petersburg Express, of yesterday, says:

‘ From gentlemen who reached here Thursday, we learn that the Yankees have occupied Suffolk in large force. Their pickets now extend six miles this side of Suffolk, and their marauding parties extend out for miles in every direction, stealing bacon, poultry, eggs, pigs, and everything else of value — Several prominent citizens have been arrested and thrown in jail for the simple cause that they are known to be loyal to the Southern Confederacy. Mr. Benjamin Smith, of Suffolk, has been confined because he spoke authoritatively to his own servant, and others have been similarly treated for like trivial offices. This is cut the beginning of the evils which necessarily follow the inexcusable evacuation of Norfolk and the unpardonable destruction of the Merrimac.

Morgan's Late Dash into Kentucky

A member of Morgan's cavalry furnishes to the Knoxville Register the following account of the intrepid partisan's late trip to Kentucky:

‘ After the reverse at Lebanon, Col. Morgan, with those of his party who escaped, went to Sparta and subsequently increased his force by the addition of Bledsoe's, McHenry's, and Hamilton's cavalry companies. With these he proceeded by a rapid march to Cave City, Ky, which is only sixty-eight miles from Louisville and six miles from the Mammoth Cave. He reached Cave City on Sunday, the 10th instant, captured the telegraph operator, and very kindly officiated in his stead, to spare the authorities along the line any undue excitement, which the announcement of his presence so near to Louisville might have occasioned on the Sabbath. He succeeded in capturing two trains from Louisville--one passenger and one freight train.--The later had one of the finest engines in the country attached to it, said to have cost $40,000. This train consisted of thirty-eight empty box cars. Col. Morgan destroyed the whole train and engine in the passenger train he captured two Federal Majors — Coffee and Elbetter — and six or seven other prisoners, together with near $150,000 of U. S. Treasury notes, which were being transmitted by express to Tennessee, to pay off the Federal army with. A party dispatched to Woodland, four miles above Cave City, destroyed a considerable lot of bacon belonging to Abe's Government. One object of the daring scout was de by the escapes of a prisoner from Morgan's pickets, who communicated information of his movements to the telegraph operator at Bell's station, some miles this side of Cave City, by which means the train

from Nashville, having on board the prisoners of Morgan's party taken at Lebanon, was turned back, and thus the gallant Colonel was disappointed in liberating them.

From Cave City Col. Morgan returned by way of Burkeville, where he captured seven of Wolford's cavalry who were armed with Sharp's rifles and revolvers; thence by Livingston and White Pi los to Sparta. From Sparta our last intelligence of the partisan Colonel is that he was making his way through the mountains to Chattanooga. Whether he will "turn up" next in Northwestern Virginia or on the Ohio river near Paducah, we have no intimation.

It was reported in Kentucky that Col. Wolford, whose cavalry fought Morgan at Lebanon, was wounded in the bowels, supposed mortally.

Nail the colors to the Mast.

We copy the following editorial from the Richmond Christian Advocates. We commend its spirit to every Southern man:

‘ The resolution of a people is a power not to be despised. It is the essential fire — the vitalizing energy of a nation. It lives when disasters and discouragements multiply, and survives the loss of every comfort. Like charity, it must equal every trial and its record be it ‘"never foolish."’ Had the South entered into this struggle without previous reflection, had our people not first settled thoughtfully and carefully every point both morally and politically involved, and had they not, before the conflict begun, reached a clear and well-defined position conscientiously, the path of duty would have been less plain. We are at war, not from a fancied sense of honor, not because excited and angry, not because we desire to gain an undue advantage over another people; but we battle for the principles of constitutional government; for the legitimate privileges of State; for the sacred rights of freemen; for liberty of conscience for the defence of our homes, our loved ones and our property. We war against the most deliberate plunder scheme by which any people were ever threatened — Our excitement is that of indignation; our impulse is love of all that intelligent Christian men hold to be valuable, our resolution is to prefer death to vassalage to the most fanatical, selfish and dishonorable race than now pretends to be civilized. Nail the colors to the mass!

Extraordinary proclamation from Governor Rector, of Arkansas.

In consequence of the Federal invasion of Arkansas, Gov. Rector has issued a long, and, in some respects, extraordinary proclamation. After alluding to the secession of the State, the Governor says:

‘ Untoward circumstances have placed her beyond the pale of protection; much impaired, though not incapable of resistance, she will strike a blow for liberty, and continue to be free; if left to her rate she will carve a new destiny rather than be subjugated. It was for liberty she struck, and not for subordination to any created secondary power North or South. Her best friends are her natural allies nearest at home who will pulsate when she bleeds — whose utmost hope is not beyond her existence. If the arteries of the Confederate heart do not permeate beyond the east bank of the Mississippi, let Southern Missourians Arkansians, Texans and the great West know it and prepare for the future. Arkansas lost, abandoned, subjugated, is not Arkansas as she entered the Confederate Government. Nor will she remain Arkansas, a Confederate State, desolated as a wilderness. Her children, fleeing from the wrath to come, will build them a new ark and launch it on new waters, seeking a haven somewhere of equality, safety and rest. Be of good cheer, my countrymen, there is still a balm in Gilerd — the good Samaritan will be found. Strike now and ever for your homes and liberty, against all men who invade the one or dispute the other. The despotic power of the North which seeks now to crush you, contains in its own creation ripe seeds for its early destruction. * * * * * *

The God of nations has not decreed, I think, that tyrant hands shall say the progress of civil and religious liberty upon this continent. The right of the people to govern is an admitted truism. Their capacity to do so is not a fable; but ‘"the price of liberty is eternal vigilance;"’ be jealous of encroachments, mindful of your public servants. Take the constitution of your State as your political text book, and regard the defence of your homes and firesides as a duty you owe to God and humanity, and all will be well.

Correlative with these views, it is by the military board of the State of Arkansas deemed essential for the public safety, that four thousand-five hundred men be called as volunteers from the militia of the State, to be organized into companies, battalions, and regiments, as directed by the ordinances of the State Convention, to serve for twelve months in State service, unless sooner discharged. The companies not to contain less than sixty-four, not more than ninety-six men, exclusive of commissioned officers--Twenty companies of cavalry will be received, and thirty companies of infantry, with the right, on the part of the authorities, to assign one or more of the infantry companies to artillery service. Each volunteer must furnish his own gun, which will be valued and paid for by the State, or a certain amount paid for it monthly by the Government for its use, as the State may ultimately determine.

* * Men of means and leisure, although advanced in years, now have an opportunity without sacrifice, to go and fight — too old to walk they can now go on horseback. Men filling the soil can be less conveniently spared; something must be produced to eat, either to live or to fight. I say to the gentlemen of leisure and wealth, make up this call; leaving the tiller of the soil at home to produce something for our families and the country. There are many more than the number called for here in Arkansas, who will not run a furrow this summer, nor do anything else substantially beneficial to the country. Business, in the way of trade, is measurably suspended, and money making for a time ought to be. To be rich now is impossible, for if one owned the whole State it is worth nothing until freed.--The wave of destruction has already rolled over the Northeast portion of the State, and will soon reach the South unless stayed by a rampart of Arkansas freemen. I am for defence — the military board is for defence, and, it aided by the people, the State will be redeemed.

From North Alabama.

The Montgomery Advertiser publishes the following extract from a letter, dated May 14th, written by a gentleman in North Alabama:

‘ The Yankees are in Whitesburg in some force, the number not known. They send out scouting parties every day into the country around there on the Morgan side of the river. They have ruined the country about Huntsville, I am told, by taking all the provisions from the plantations. My opinion is that they will endeavor to starve the people into submission, and to force them to sell them their cotton.

I send you a list of gentlemen that the Din col have in prison in Huntsville; Dr. Thomas Fearn, Ex Gov R. Chapman, Bishop H. C. Lay, Geo P. Buirne, Esq Wm. Acglen, Samuel Clue, William McDowell, A. J. Withers, G. L. Mastin, J G. Wilson, William Harris, Wm H. Moors, Thos. J. McCalle.

The Princeton fight.

We learn from a most reliable source (says the Lynchburg Republican) that in the fight near Princeton, Mercer county, the other say, between Gen. Heth's force and the Yankee under Cox, the Federal loss was 211 killed, wounded and prisoners, 70 of whom were killed or mortally wounded Col. Wharron's 51st Virginia regiment acted a conspicuous part in the fight, and behaved with the greatest courage and discipline. It was only 300 strong, and was attacked in front and rest by 2,700 Yankees. The enemy was put to fight, however, with the loss above stated, and the regiment, which at one time it was thought would be cut off and captured, escaped with slight loss.

Another company from Old Kentucky

The subjoined intelligence is from the Bristol (Tenn) Advocate, of Thursday last:

‘ It is highly gratifying to us to be able this week to herald the arrival of another company from ‘"old Kentucky"’ The vanguard of eight came to our town on Monday evening. There are seventy in the company. The main body had stopped to refresh themselves and horses a few days, and will be on this week. These that are here, like those who came through last week, are well mounted, armed, and equipped — splendid looking men.

They hail from Frankfort and Lexington — the heart of the State--and say that a hurricane is gathering there which shall soon sweep Lincoln's vandals howling to perdition and to Yankeedom, to return no more forever.

There were seventy-five in the company when they started, but they were attacked on the way by a hand of the enemy, and lost five of their number. They killed eighteen of the scoundrels and took eleven prisoners, whom they now have in custody, to be caged wherever our authorities may order. Among the prisoners is Major Jim Townsend, a famous Abolition marauder of the John Brown type.

These noble Kentuckians designed to hurry on West, by railroad from this place, to join Captain John Morgan.

The surrender of Natchez.

The following is the correspondence which passed between the commander of the Iroquois and the Mayor of Natchez relative to the surrender of that place:

U. S. S. Iroquois. At anchor off Natchez Miss., May 12th, 1862,
In advance of the squadron now coming up the Mississippi, I am instructed by the Flag Officers to demand the surrender of the city of Natchez to the naval forces of the United States

The same terms will be granted to New Orleans and Baton Rouge.--

The rights and property of all peaceable citizens shall be respected; but all property in this city belong to the so-called Confederate States must be delivered up — and the flag of the United States must wave unmolested and respected over your town.

Very respectfully, your obedient serv't,

Jas. S. Palmer, Commander.
To his Honor the Mayor of Natchez
To which communication the Mayor was directed to make the following reply, viz:

Mayor's Office, Natchez Miss, May 13, 1862
Your communication of the 12th inst has been received by me and laid before the Board of Selectmen of this city, and I am directed to return the following reply:

Coming as a conqueror, you need not the interposition of the city authorities to possess this place. An unfortified city, and entirely defenseless people, have no alternative but to yield to an irresistible force, or useless to imperil innocent blood. Formalities are absurd in the face of such realities. So far as the city authorities can prevent, there will be no opposition to your possession of the city; they cannot, however, guarantee that your flag shall wave unmolested in the sight of an excited people, but such authority as they possess will be exercised for the preservation of good order in the city.

As to property belonging to the Confederate States, they are not aware of any such within the limits of the city.

Very respectfully, your ob't servant.

John Austere Mayor.
To James S. Palmer, Commander U. S. steamer
Iroquois, at anchor off Natchez, Miss,

Interesting from New Orleans.

From the New Orleans Delta, of the 13th, we copy the following:

‘ Six square-rigged vessels arrived yesterday from sea, loaded with U. S. troops.

The flag of the Consulate of the Netherlands is not flying to-day.

We learn that the residence of Gen. Twiggs and Col. Adams, in Prytania street, have both been taken for occupancy by the Federal forces.

We learn that W. B Mumford, who is charged with being conspicuous as the holder of the party that, before the arrival of Gen'l Butler, tore down the Federal flag which was hoisted on the mint by the forces under Capt. Farragut, was yesterday arrested by the U. S. authorities.

We understand that the authorities of the United States on Sunday arrested Mr.Esnard, who was formerly a clerk of Mr. A. J. Guirot, an officer of the Mint, together with the books of Mr. G. and on yesterday they arrested Mr. Burnard Avegno, one of Mr. Guirot's securities on his bend to United States.

The Presidents of the banks were readjusted to meet Gen. Butler yesterday, and we learn he invited them to return the specie which they had sent out of the city to their vaults assuring them he would not seize nor interfere with it. We did not ascertain the determination of the Presidents, but suppose the specie to be beyond their reach.

Acting Brigadier-General Geo. T. Shepley, Colonel of the 12th regiment of Maine volunteers, has been appointed by General Butler Military commandant of New Orleans. We are indebted to the Picayunes for the information that General Butler will make his headquarters on the seacoast Col. Sheply is a son of Judge Shepley, formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of Maine, and once a Senator from that State. The Colonel has been a prominent National Democratic politician in times past, and was the special friend, adviser and host of Jefferson Davis when he made a visit to New England some few years ago.

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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (8)
United States (United States) (7)
Cave City (Kentucky, United States) (5)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (4)
Snake Island (South Carolina, United States) (4)
Legareville (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Stono River (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Stone River (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (2)
Maine (Maine, United States) (2)
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (2)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (2)
Whitesburg, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Virginia City (Nevada, United States) (1)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (1)
Princeton, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Pea Ridge, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Ohio (United States) (1)
New England (United States) (1)
Narrow Passage Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Mill Spring (Missouri, United States) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Lebanon (Colorado, United States) (1)
Kiawah Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
John's Island, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Iroquois, Wyoming (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (1)
Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) (1)
Hamilton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Gloucester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Charles City (Virginia, United States) (1)
Chalk Bluff (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Burkeville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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