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--From the subscriber near Wilmington, Fluvanna county.

three Slaves

Jesse — A mulatto man, about 40 years old 5 feet high, has a scar towards the lower part of his back from capping; had on a very good brown wool hat, a grey nock or sack cost, and grey cotton pants take smart.

Fleming — A brown negro, very high forehead, about 5 feet high 20 years old; had on a pair of boots with iron plates on the heels; is quick spoken and somewhat pop-eyed, and underlip inclined to curl.

John — A dark brown boy; about 16 years old full 5 feet high; bad on a sheep's grey sack seat, black satinet pants, and light-colored hat.

I am of the opinion they were decoyed from home by some one under the promise of freedom, but who will try to sell them in Richmond, or run them South. I will give a reward of ten Dollars each. If taken in the State, or Twenty-five Dollars each, if taken out of the State, and confined in jail so that I can recover them.

Constantine O. Perkins

Near Wilmington

oc 3--4t Fluvanna county, Va.

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