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North Carolina war expenses.

--As an item of interest, (says the Raleigh State Journal,) we have taken the trouble to copy from the official report of the Military Secretary to the Governor, a condensed statement of the money expended on account of the war by North Carolina, including the purchase of arms by the late Gov. Ellis, from the 1st of July, 1861, to the 20th of September, together with a tabular statement of the amounts expended for the various branches of the service.

There appears to be a large amount in the hands of disbursing agents; but it is known that the larger part of this sum has been disbursed, but the accounts had not come in to be audited.

There was expended from the Treasury

January, February, and March$29,024.87

Amounts expended by the different Departments.

Pay of troops266,103.33
Quartermaster's Dep't417,776.73
Naval expenditures98,046.00
Contingent expenses875.93
Coast defences140,020.92
In the hands of disbursing agents and not accounted for703,386.24

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