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--At rules held in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for King William County, on the Monday the 5th of August, 1861:

Roger Gregory, As'ee of E. C. Cranmer, In Debt.


Joseph H. Birdsall,...In Debt.

The object of this action is to recover from the defendant, Jos. H. Birdsall, the amount due unto the plaintiff, as the assignee of E. C. Cranmer, from the said defendant, Jos. H. Birdsall, by reason of certain promissory notes given unto the said Cranmer by the said Birdsall--one for the sum of $30, bearing date May 26th, 1860; another for the sum of $10, bearing date October 31st, 1860; another for the sum of $30, bearing date July 6th, 1860; and another for the sum of $32, bearing date April 11th, 1861--and all which are payable on demand, and were assigned by the said Cranmer unto the said Gregory on the 17th of June, 1861:

And affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant is a non-resident of this Commonwealth, the said defendant is required to appear within one month after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. Teste:

se 2--1aw4w* Wm. D. Pollard, D. C.

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