Important from Kentucky.
Kentuckians to be shot for bearing Arms against the United States--the war tax to be paid — revival of the Louisville Courier as a Lincoln paper.
From the Memphis Avalanche, of Thursday, we take the following important intelligence:
‘ We learn through a gentleman who reached here yesterday from Kentucky, some important information in regard to that State, which, if true, will show how completely some of her citizens are given over to Lincoln.
Our informant states that the Legislature had passed an act in regard to native Kentuckians found in arms against the Government, whether in the Confederate army or not, and making the penalty for such an offence, death!
This barbarous law will but have the effect to drive many a wavering Kentuckian to our side. Soon a Jeff. Thompson will arise there, and retaliate as fearfully as the original promises to do. It would seem that the Lincolnites generally ‘"overdo"’ things.
But perhaps the real strife will occur in regard to another act passed by the Legislature, to the effect that Kentucky will pay her portion of the tax levied by Lincoln to carry on the war of subjugation. People may submit to being shot themselves, but when called upon to perform that office for their brothers, friends, and neighbors, it is a demand that all the ‘"loyalty"’ in the world could not enforce. The Legislature is but adding insult to injury, in thus making the citizens of Kentucky a party to a war which they abhor. It is a new kind of ‘"neutrality,"’ and will be appreciated by those who clung to that idea. It is, however, but a sequel to Lincoln's message, and might reasonably have been expected before this.
Another piece of intelligence brought us is the revival of the Louisville Courier as a Union paper. Not that the gallant gentlemen who formerly controlled it have changed in sentiment, but because some Union-howlers wish to build up on its ruins an infamous notoriety. It is a shallow farce, and can not but make every white man in the State blush at the mean devices resorted to for the purpose of subjugating the South.