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Treasury notes and postage.

--The following letter in regard to postage was lately addressed to the Treasurer at Macon, Georgia:

Post-Office Department,
Finance Bureau,

Richmond, Sept. 20, 1861.
In reply to your letter of the 14th instant, to the Postmaster-General, I am directed to inform you that the payment of postage is not the payment of public dues, and was not so regarded by the Congress, nor was it so regarded under the old Government; but, that special authority is given by Congress to receive ‘"Five Dollar Treasury Notes"’ for stamps and stamped envelopes, as soon as they can be procured. That he hopes to procure and send them out for use in a short time. And that the Postmaster acted according to law in refusing to receive them in payment of postage until stamps and stamped envelopes can be procured.

Very respectfully,
(Signed,) J. L. Lancaster,
Acting Chief of Finance Bureau. J. E. Day, Esq., Macon, Ga.

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