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Algernon Sidney Sullivan.

--The arrest of this young lawyer in New York, and his imprisonment in Lincoln's Bastille, Fort Lafayette, for the sole offence that he consented to act as counsel for some of the Southern prisoners' now confined in New York; have elicited from a friend of his in this city (says the New Orleans Picayune,) the following communication:

‘ We may be in error, but we are under the impression that this victim of the Black Republican dynasty at Washington is a brother of John L. Sullivan, Esq., a well-known, ripe and accomplished scholar, who was formerly editor of the Democratic Review, and has served the United States in more than one diplomatic capacity abroad.

Eds. Picayune:--It may not be generally known here that Mrs. Sullivan is a son of ‘"the Old Dominion;"’ he took up his residence in New York about four years since, and entered upon the practice of his profession. His genial disposition and kindliness of heart secured for him at once a goodly number of clients, many of whom, if they are possessed of the least gratitude, must deeply sympathize with him now in his hour of trial. When the remains of ex-President Monroe were removed from New York to Richmond, Mr. Sullivan was one of the sons of Virginia residing in New York who escorted the honored remains to the ship that bore them to their native South. During the last Presidential contest he was an ardent supporter of Mr. Breckinridge.

The fact of his being counsel for some of those of our countrymen who are now in the hands of the ‘"Philistines,"’ I have no doubt, was a labor of love he cheerfully imposed upon himself. My knowledge of the man — and I am proud to call him my friend — warrants me in forming such a conclusion. Having, on several occasions, been the recipient of kindnesses on his part. I feel deeply for him in his affliction, and hope for his speedy release. Veritas.

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