From Washington.
Washington,March 3.--A number of Conservatives from the Virginia Convention, are here to gain information touching postage affairs, and will report to the Convention. They return to Richmond to-morrow, and, it is reported, somewhat depressed with the present aspect of affairs, hoping, however, Lincoln will conservatize his Cabinet.The city is filled with strangers.
There are rumors concerning the formation of the Cabinet, but nothing is positively yet known. The Cabinet makers are very active.
The Senate is in session to-night. It is understood that Mr. Crittenden makes his valedictory speech.
Minister Dallas has sent the Government facts concerning the course of the Chief Justice of England relative to the negro Anderson fugitive slave case, showing a difference between the two Governments concerning the interpretation of the Extradition treaty.
No measures of a strictly coercive character has been passed by Congress.
The Pacific Railroad bill is dead.
Senators Hemphill and Wigfall will leave Tuesday for the Montgomery Convention.