A large number of memorials on the present crisis, were presented and laid on the table.
The Journal having stated that the House resolutions for amending the Constitution were read yesterday a first and second time.
Mr. Sumner moved to amend by striking out "second time."
After considerable discussion by Messrs. Douglas, Sumner and Pugh, the Senate agreed to read the (Corwin) resolutions a second time — yeas 31, nays 5.
Pending which, Mr. Collamer presented the credentials of Hon. J. Collamer, Senator elect from the 4th of March next from Vermont.
House.--The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the President of the United States relative to the seizure of the United States Mint at New Orleans. Also, a communication from the same relative to the stationing of United States troops in this city; together with communications from the War. Navy, and State Departments; all of which were laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
The Speaker also laid before the House the resignation of T. H. Ford, Printer to the House of Representatives.
Mr. Sherman presented to the House a report from the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing vote upon the Senate amendments to the Indian Appropriation bill. Not accepted, and another committee ordered.
Mr. Spinner introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Accounts to settle the accounts of the pages in the House of Representatives for the Thirty-sixth Congress, which resolution was agreed to.
Mr. Haskin reported from the Committee on Public Printing a resolution authorizing to be printed for the use of Congress several thousand copies of the report of the Select Committee on the abstraction of the Indian trust bonds, and other committees. Agreed to.
The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the Post-Office Appropriation bill.
[Second Dispatch.]
The Peace Congress propositions were debated.
Several minor appropriations were concurred in.
Mr. Pugh moved to substitute the Crittenden resolutions for the Peace Congress propositions.
At midnight last night the Senate took a recess until 7 o'clock to-night.