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[435] in words of affection; and to smoke with their nations
Chap. XXIV}
the pipe of peace. It was then agreed, that the ancient love of the tribes to the British king should re-
main unimpaired; that the lands from the St. John's to the Savannah, between the sea and the mountains, belonged, of ancient right, to the Muskhogees. Their cession to the English of the land on the Savannah, as far as the Ogeechee, and along the coast to the St. John's, as far into the interior as the tide flows, was, with a few reservations, confined; and the entrance to the rest of their domains was barred forever against the Spaniards. The right of preemption was reserved for the trustees of Georgia alone; nor might they enlarge their possessions, except with the consent of the ancient proprietaries of the soil.

The news of this treaty could not have reached

England before the negotiations with Spain were abruptly terminated. Walpole desired peace; he pleaded for it in the name of national honor, of justice, and of the true interests of commerce. But the active English mind had become debauched by the hopes of sudden gains, and soured by disappointment, and was now resolved on illicit commerce, or on plunder and conquest. A war was desired, not because England insisted on cutting logwood in the Bay of Honduras, where Spain claimed a jurisdiction, and had founded no settlements; nor because the South Sea company differed with the king of Spain as to the balances of their accounts; nor yet because the boundary between Carolina and Florida was still in dispute;— these differences could all have been adjusted;—but because English ‘merchants were not permitted to
Lord Mahon's History of England, III. 5
smuggle with impunity.’ A considerable part of the population of Jamaica was sustained by the profits of the contraband trade with Spanish ports; the annual

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