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Lenni-Lenape, III, 383. In New Jersey, III. 239.

Leon, Ponce de, discovers Florida, I. 33.

Locke, John, his character, III. 144. Contrasted with Penn, I. 379.

Logan, James, III. 44, 345.

Louis XIV. persecutes the Huguenots, I. 175. His policy, 424. Treachery, 426. Absolute, III. 115. Defends legitimacy, 175. Recognizes William, 192. His cabinet, 208. His old age, 225. Death, 323.

Louisburg founded, III. 235. Siege of, 460.

Louisiana claimed by France, III. 168. First colony sails, 169. Colonized by D'Iberville, 200. Extent of, 343. Under Crozart, 347. The Mississippi company, 351. Effect of Law's fall, 358. Its war with the Natchez, 360. The crown resumes the government, 364. War with the Chickasas, 366. Condition in 1740, 368.

Lovewell's fight, III. 338.

Lloyd, Thomas, III. 35.

Ludwell, Philip, III. 15.

Luther, Martin, I. 274,277; II. 459.

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