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[17] friendship with the Indians, he established a board to
Chap XIX.}
decide all contests between them and the white men. The natives round Cape Fear obtained protection against kidnappers, and requited this security by kindness towards mariners shipwrecked on their coast. The government was organized as it had been in Maryland, the proprietaries appointing the council, the people electing the house of assembly. The defence of the colony rested on the militia. With the Spaniards at St. Augustine friendly relations sprung up: a Quaker could respect the faith of a Papist. Four Indians, converts of the Spanish priests, captives to the Yammasees, and exposed to sale as slaves, were ransomed by Archdale, and sent to the governor of St. Augustine. ‘I shall manifest reciprocal kindness,’ was his reply, ‘and shall always observe a good correspondence with you;’ and, when an English vessel was wrecked on Florida, the Spaniards retaliated the benevolence of Archdale.

The fame of Carolina, the American Canaan, that flowed with milk and honey, began to increase. The industrious Scotch, zealous alike for liberty and property, were soon to be attracted. Already New England

1696 June 26.
men were allured to the region that now ‘stood circumstanced with the honor of a true English govern-
Archdale, 21
ment, zealous for the increase of virtue, as well as outwa d trade and business.’ And the representatives of the freemen of the colony declared that Archdale, ‘by his wisdom, patience, and labor, had laid a firm foundation for a most glorious superstructure.’

Immediately after the return of the Quaker legislator, the Huguenots were once more and successfully enfranchised by the colonial legislature. Liberty of

1697 March 10.
conscience was also conferred on all Christians, unhappily

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