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Iberville, Lemoine da, II. 199.

Icelandic voyages, I. 3; III. 313.

Illinois visited by Jesuits, III. 155. Early history of, 165. A fort built in, 167. Permanent settlement in, 195.

Illinois tribe, III. 158, 241.

Independents, origin of, I. 287.

Indiana colonized, III. 346.

Indians. See Aborigines.

Indies, East, war in, III. 452.

Ingle, rebellion of, I. 254.

Ingoldsby in New York, II. 53.

Iowa visited by Jesuits, III. 157.

Iowas, Le Sueur among, II. 204.

Iroquois attacked by Champlain, I. 28. Seen by Smith, 134. In Connecticut, 403. Treaty With, II. 255, 322. Their tribes and institutions, 417. Wars of, 418. Relations with New France, 419. Treaty with the English, 420. Meet De la Barre, 422. Their chiefs stolen, 425. Returned, 426. Visited by Jesuits, III. 132. Treaty with the French, 135. War with Hurons, 138. Missions among, 141. Invade Illinois, 167. Sack Montreal, 182. Contend with the French, 189. Make peace, 193. Their neutrality, 211. Chiefs visit England, 219. Treat with the French, 221. Their abode, 244. Receive the Tuscaroras, 322. Cede lands, 341. Receive the French, 342. Cede the West to the English, 455.

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