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[165] himself, with Hennepin and two other Franciscans,
Chap. XX.}
with Tonti and about thirty followers, ascended the St. Joseph's, and, by a short portage over bogs and
swamps made dangerous by a snow-storm, entered the Kankakee. Descending its narrow stream, before the end of December, the little company had reached the site of an Indian village on the Illinois, probably not far from Ottawa, in La Salle county. The tribe was absent, passing the winter in the chase.

On the banks of Lake Peoria, Indians appeared;—

1680 Jan. 4.
they were Illinois; and, desirous to obtain axes and fire-arms, they offered the calumet, and agreed to an alliance: if the Iroquois should renew their invasions, they would claim the French as allies. They heard with joy that colonies were to be established in their territory; they described the course of the Mississippi, and they were willing to guide the strangers to its mouth. The spirit and prudence of La Salle, who was the life of the enterprise, won the friendship of the natives. But clouds lowered over his path: the Griffin, it seemed certain, was wrecked, thus delaying his discoveries, as well as impairing his fortunes; his men began to despond: alone, of himself, he toiled to revive their courage;—there could be no safety but in union: ‘None,’ he added, ‘shall stay after the spring, unless from choice.’ But fear and discontent pervaded the company; and when La Salle planned and began to build a fort on the banks of the Illinois, four days journey, it is said, below Lake Peoria, thwarted by destiny, and almost despairing, he named the fort Crevecoeur.

Yet here the immense power of his will appeared. Dependent on himself, fifteen hundred miles from

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