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Sagadahock settled, I. 268. Garrison in, II. 408.

St. Augustine founded, I. 69.

St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, III. 219.

St. Lawrence discovered, I. 20.

St. Mary, central Jesuit station, III. 125

Salem, I. 339. Witchcraft in, III. 84.

Salle, La, III. 162. Descends the Mississippi, 168. Leads a colony to Louisiana, 169. In Texas, 170. Murdered, 173.

Saltonstall, Richard, denounces the slave trade, I. 174.

Samoset, 316.

Savannah, III. 420.

Schenectady destroyed, III. 182.

Senecas, II. 417.

Separatists, 288.

Shaftesbury, Lord, sketch of, II. 139 Minister, 436.

Shawnees, III. 240.

Silleri, II. 127.

Sioux, III. 131.

Slavery, history of, I. 159. In the middle ages, 161. Origin of negro slavery, 165. In Spain and Portugal, 166. Of Indians, 167. In the West Indies, 169. Opinion on, 171. In Massachusetts, 174. In Virginia, 176. In South Carolina, II. 171. In New Netherlands, 303. In New Jersey, 317. In Pennsylvania, 405. In Georgia, III, 426, 448.

Slaves, negro, trade in, by England, I. 173. By Massachusetts men, 174. By English African company, III. 70. By the Dutch, 280. By the English, III. 232, 402. Their condition in Africa, 403. In America, 406. Their numbers, 406. Labors, 407. Emancipation, [476] 408. Importation resisted by colonies, 410. Insisted on by England, 411.

Slougnter in New York, III. 53.

Smith, John, I. 118. On the James River, 125. His early life, 127. Engages in discoveries, 129. Is taken prisoner, 130. Explores the Chesapeake, 133. Ascends the Potomac, 134. Enforces industry, 135. Returns to England, 138. Volunteers his services in Virginia, 184. Explores the coast from Cape Cod to the Penobscot, 269.

Smith, Thomas, III. 15.

Sokokis, II. 238.

Somers, III. 4.

Sothel, Seth, II. 161. His administration, 163.

Soto, Ferdinand de, I. 41. Sails for Florida, 42. In Georgia, 46. Alabama, 48. Discovers the Mississippi, 51. In Arkansas and Missouri, 52. Death, 56.

Spain. Her love of adventure, I. 30. Discovers Florida, 32. In the Gulf of Mexico, 35. On the Mississippi, 51. Her missions, 60. Colonizes Florida, 66. Extent of her American possessions, 73. Invades South Carolina, III. 174. Her colonial system, III. 114. War of the succession, 206. Effect of the peace of Utrecht, 227. War with France, 353. Her relations with England, 400. Contests with English smugglers, 435. War with England, 437. Invades Georgia, 444.

Spotswood, III. 455; II. 23, 30

Standish, Miles, I. 316.

Stoughton, William, III. 83.

Strafford's, Lord, attainder, II. 5.

Stuarts, commercial policy, I. 218. Their restoration, II. 1. Misfortunes III. 1.

Stuyvesant, III. 293, 300.

Susquehannahs, war with, II. 215.

Swiss on the Savannah, III. 417.

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