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[384] to fall back, recrossing the field, and, in doing so, this gallant officer received a severe wound in the fleshy part of the thigh. When Captain Cleveland moved off to join the brigade, he left me and some twenty-five or thirty officers and men to hold in check the enemy that were then making their appearance in this quarter. This we did, and, at the same time, drove a body from their breastworks near by, causing them to set fire to them and their knapsacks. We here took several prisoners, and three pieces of artillery. The artillery we held until the Eighth South Carolina came up and a brigade was brought up by General Law, when we were ordered to join our brigade on the left. I was then put in command of the regiment, and we were shortly moved to the right, where we were held until nearly night, when we were carried forward to the left, and our brigade took possession of the heights, relieving General Kershaw's brigade, the enemy, in the meantime, evacuating the field. We had one officer killed and seven wounded, twelve noncommissioned officers and privates killed, eighty non-commissioned officers and privates wounded, and twelve missing, making our total loss, in killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and twelve, a list of which has already been furnished.

T. T. Clay, Captain Commanding Fifth Texas Regiment.

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