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[29] two of them are represented by the survivors of Fairfield district. The list is as follows:

regiment.battle.Present in action.Killed and Wounded.Per Cent.
First TexasAntietam22618682
Twenty-first GeorgiaManassas24218476
Eighth TennesseeStone River44430669
Seventeenth South CarolinaManassas28418967
Twenty-third South CarolinaManassas22514966
Fourteenth GeorgiaMechanicsville51433565
Sixteenth MississippiAntietam22814463
Fifteenth VirginiaAntietam1287558
Eighteenth GeorgiaAntietam 17610157
Tenth GeorgiaAntietam1478356
Twelfth TennesseeStone River29216456
Sixteenth TennesseeStone River37720756
Third AlabamaMalvern Hill35420056
Seventh North CarolinaSeven Days45025356
Eighteenth North CarolinaSeven Days39622456
First South Carolina RiflesGaines' Mill53730656
Fourth North CarolinaFair Oaks67836954
Twelfth South CarolinaManassas 27014654
Fourth TexasAntietam20010753
Twenty-seventh TennesseeChaplin Hills21011253
First South Carolina Manassas28315153
Forty-ninth VirginiaFair Oaks42422452
Twelfth AlabamaFair Oaks40821552
Seventh South CarolinaAntietam26814052
Seventh TexasRaymond 30615852
Eleventh AlabamaGlendale 35718151

If this table is correct, and, no doubt, it is, it shows that Antietam, or Sharpsburg, was, on our side at least, the hardest fought field of the war, for of the twenty-six instances of greatest losses, seven of them occurred in that battle; but it shows, also, that for South Carolina troops the Second Manassas was the severest battle. Of the six instances of greatest losses among troops from this State, four of them were at Second Manassas, to-wit: The Seventeenth South Carolina, which lost 67 per cent. of those carried into action; the Twenty-third, which lost 66 per cent.; the Twelfth, which lost 54 per cent.; and the First, which lost 53 per cent. The general average of these four regiments being 60 per cent. lost of those engaged. Upon another occasion I have shown that in this battle South Carolina lost

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