Feb. 14.--Some time ago it was gravely proposed in South Carolina to abolish the Fourth of July, and to select some other day for the annual occasion of blowing off the surplus patriotism of the Palmettoes.
In the course of the popular revolt several favorite national airs were pronounced against, struck from the music books, and replaced by sundry French revolutionary melodies, with variations to suit the peculiar phases of South Carolina Jacobinism.
More temperate counsels prevailed in Georgia, and the Savannah Republican, after commending the action of the Southern Confederacy in “reviving the government and constitution of the fathers,” calls upon the Congress to re-erect “the stars and stripes” as their national flag, and resume upon the Southern lyre “those glorious old tunes, ‘ Hail Columbia,’ and ‘ The Star-spangled Banner.’
” Yesterday this question came up in the Congress.
Mr. Brooke, of Mississippi, protested that the “stars and stripes” were the “idol of his heart,” when Mr. Miles of South Carolina, who has been drawing his salary pretty regularly for several years from the federal government, said that he had always, even from the cradle, looked upon that flag as “the emblem of tyranny and oppression.”
We sincerely trust that these fugitive States, after having stolen our constitution, will not claim also our flag.--Commercial Advertiser, Feb. 14.
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