New York, May 1.--A party of Congressmen who came up to-day from Annapolis to Perryville, Md., on a Government steam-tug, had an amusing adventure.
While on their trip, a suspicious-looking craft was discovered in the distance.
There was a good revolving howitzer on board the tug, and it was instantly got ready for action.
Twenty-five marines on board were drawn up, but their services were not needed.
A shot brought the craft to, when it turned out to be a schooner deeply laden with provisions.
She was sailing under papers drawn up by General Trimble, of Baltimore, who is the commander of the secession troops in Baltimore.
Undoubtedly the provisions were intended for the rebels in some part of the South.
The name of the schooner was the Lioness.
She was brought into Perryville, and her Trimble papers taken from the captain.
This General Trimble will soon be taken care of by the Government.
It is high time that he was tried for treason.--N. Y. Evening Post, May 2.
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