Jewels on the altar of her country.--The Richmond Examiner records the following worthy example of noble patriotism:--“One of the most amiable and fashionable young belles of our city placed in the hands of a friend her casket of jewels, valued at $1,200, which she instructed him to sell to the best account, and appropriate the proceeds to the benefit of such volunteer soldiers of the State as might require it. This generous gift was not all, however; she promised to put by, from her ‘pinmoney,’ one dollar each day, as long as the revolution might continue, the aggregate to be handed over quarterly to some responsible party for the purposes the same as above.
Lastly, she has patriotically determined never to wear a jewel or an ornament of any kind, until the independence of the South is recognized by the Federal Government and the world!” --N. O. Picayune, May 12.
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