New Orleans, May 13.--Already a capital privateering vessel has been fitted out in this city, and is now ready, fully armed and ably officered, waiting for the letters of marque and reprisal which are daily expected from Montgomery.
We have the names of the vessel and officers, which we will publish in due time.
The work of fitting out another privateer is going on, something over one-fourth of the stock of $200,00} having been subscribed up to the hour of the meeting at noon yesterday in the old United States Court-room, for the purpose of furthering the enterprise.
For the information of those disposed to embark in the work, we would state that the officers of the vessel are to be appointed according to the election of tile stockholders.
In this connection we have heard mentioned such names as Capt. Calendar Fayssoux, of this city, and Capt. Harry Maury, of Mobile, and many others suitable to command.
Capt. Wilson and others taking an interest in this matter may be consulted daily, at the old United States Court-room.--N. O. Picayune, May 14.
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