Feb. 1.--Lieut. James E. Jouett reported himself at Washington, to Secretary Toucey. Lieut. Jouett is attached to the steamer Crusader, now in the Gulf, but was temporarily employed on the Wyandotte.
He went ashore at Pensacola, and was immediately seized as a prisoner, but released on parol of honor, not to bear arms against the State of Florida, and a passport was furnished him. Having proceeded to New Orleans, with the hope of being able to join his vessel from that point, he was again threatened by Collector Hatch with arrest, unless he departed speedily.
The next train found him en route for Washington.
After hearing the statement, Secretary Toucey requested the statement to be committed to writing, as the position of Jouett is a novel one.
This statement has been made, and, with the passport, laid before the Government.
Jouett does not consider his parole binding, should the Department order him back to the Gulf.
He silently received his passport, but gave no promise whatever.--N. Y. Times, Feb. 2.
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