We find this remarkable paragraph in the editorial columns of the Rochester Union:--“This great and long-standing conspiracy was well known in its outlines to Mr. Buchanan himself.
We heard from his own lips, previous to his entering upon the duties of the Presidency, that he had been reliably informed (we think he said by Gov. Wise) that the officers of the army and navy had been polled on the question whether, in case of a rupture between the two sections of the Union, they would respectively go with the North or the South; and that nearly every Southern man answered he would adhere to the section that gave him birth. Here we have proof not only that this conspiracy had assumed its present determinate shape five years ago, and only waited for opportunity; but that Mr. Buchanan was perfectly well aware of the fact at the very time when he took some of the leaders into his Cabinet; and when he was passively aiding Cobb, Floyd, Thompson, and Toucey, in their plans to cripple the Federal Government, and assure the success of the rebellion.” --Ohio Statesman, May 25.
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