An affecting incident.--A correspondent tells the following story:--“An incident was related to me by a lady of Alexandria, which affords a striking but sad illustration of the effects of civil war. The lady in question has resided with an only daughter for many years in Alexandria.
About nine months since, a mutual friend introduced a young gentleman of Richmond to the family.
The young people soon became intimately acquainted, and, quite naturally, fell in love.
The parents on both sides consenting, the parties were betrothed, and the marriage day fixed for the 4th of July inst.
In the mean time, however, the Virginians were called upon to decide on which side they would stand.
The ladies declared themselves on the side of the Government, but the gentleman joined the forces of his State.
No opportunity was afforded for the interchange of sentiments between the young folks, or any thing settled as to their future movements.
Matters thus remained till the 4th of July, when, exactly within an hour of the time originally fixed for the marriage, intelligence was received at the residence of the ladies that the young man had been shot by a sentry two days before, while attempting to desert and join his bride.
His betrothed did not shed a tear, but standing erect, smiled, and then remarking to her mother, ‘I am going to desert, too,’ fell to the floor, while the blood bubbled from her lips, and this morning her remains were conveyed to their last resting-place.” --Toledo Blade, July 18.
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