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58. the dream and the Awakening.

A Prophecy Disrespectfully Inscribed to Jeff. Davis, Esq.
after “Marco Bozzaris.”

     At midnight, in his guarded tent,
Great Jeff. was dreaming of the hour
     When Scott, his knee in suppliance bent,
Should tremble at his power.
     In dreams to Washington he strode,
And strung Old Abe up by the road,
     In dreams the song of “Dixie” heard;
Then heard the air with plaudits ring,
     And minions, pressing round him sing:
“Our Jeff. shall be a crowned king,
     And rule the Northern herd.”

     At midnight by Potomac shores,
Our chieftain ranged his loyal band,
     The North had opened wide its doors
To whelm the traitor's land.
     There now the Northern thousands stood
Ready to spill each drop of blood
     Ere yield their arms that day;
For the South had come to breed a race
     With lying tongue and brazen face,
Who, trusted in the highest place,
     Turned thieves, and ran away.

     An hour passed on-great Jeff. awoke;
That bright dream was his last;
     He woke — to hear his sentries cry:
“The Yankees come!” and see them fly.
     He woke — to find his tent hemmed round
By Northern men, who kept their ground
     'Neath shot, and shell, and fiery blast;
Then entered, scorning to shoot him,
     And hung him to the nearest limb,
While Scott cheered on his band:
     “Strike — for the good and righteous cause:
Strike — for the Country and its Laws;
     Strike — nor let your striking pause
Till Right doth rule our land!”

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