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94. Freedom's Banner.

God of Nations! hear the vow
     Which we offer to Thee now.
Never! while an arm can save,
     Or one heart beats true and brave,
Shall this Banner of the Free
     Be the shroud of Liberty.
We'll defend thee! We'll defend thee!
     Defend thee to the death,
Nor ask why, but do or die.
     Aye! defend thee to the death.

Star-emblazoned! Rainbow-hued!
     By the tears of widows dewed,
By the lives of patriots won,
     By the deeds of valor done,
By the blood that heroes shed,
     Who are now our sacred dead,
We'll defend thee! We'll defend thee!
     Defend thee to the death,
Nor ask why, but do or die.
     Aye! defend thee to the death.

By the deathless laurels won
     On the field of Lexington,
By the bleeding limbs that froze
     'Mid the Valley Forge's snows,
By such glorious battle scenes
     As illumined New Orleans,
We'll defend thee! We'll defend thee!
     Defend thee to the death,
Nor ask why, but do or die.
     Aye! defend thee to the death.

From the invaders' iron heel,
     From the rebels' lifted steel,
From the hand that e'er should dare
     Off thine azure pluck one star,
Or would ever seek to wipe
     From thy glorious folds a stripe,
We'll defend thee! We'll defend thee!
     Defend thee to the death,
Nor ask why, but do or die.
     Aye! defend thee to the death.

For the graves of valiant sires,
     For our hearthstones and our fires,
For our children and our wives,
     With our honor and our lives,
For our land by freemen trod,
     For the the altars of our God,
We'll defend thee! We'll defend thee!
     Defend thee to the death,
Nor ask why, but do or die.
     Aye! defend thee to the death.

--Louisville Journal.

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