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Hagerstown, Md., June 23.--At a recent parade of the Wisconsin regiment, a scene of a solemn and deeply affecting nature occurred, which I have not before noticed. After a regimental parade, the colonel, Starkweather, commanded the attention of his men, and addressed them on the subject of the great cause which brought them so far from home, and appealing to their courage and patriotism, asked if they were ready to follow him. All responded affirmatively. But to five full effect and formal dignity to this resolution, he called for the colors of the regiment, and waving the Stars and Stripes in the breeze, kneeled at its foot, and offering up an invocation, in which the men were called upon to join, the whole regiment knelt as one man, and renewed their fealty to their flag. There were few dry eyes witnessed this affecting scene.--N. Y. Tribune, June 26.

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