Some Massachusetts soldiers stationed at Yonkers,N. Y., went up the river to Tarrytown, and looked at the monument to Andre.
Thence they visited the cemetery where repose the remains of the peaceful Washington Irving.
A hedge is around the burial plot.
Eleven full-length graves are in a row — father, mother, brothers, and sisters.
One of the stones is lettered, “Washington, son of William and Sarah S. Irving, died Nov. 29, 1859, aged 76 years, 8 months, and 25 days.”
The soldiers laid each a bunch of roses upon this grave, and a wreath of oak leaves with a written inscription, “Offering of Massachusetts volunteers to the memory of Washington Irving,” signed by them all, and bearing the (late, was placed upon the headstone.
One boy repeated the “Memory of the dead,” and all plucked a spray of clover from the grave.--N. Y. Tribune, June 30.
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