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64. Kentucky.

by Forceythe Willson.
There she stands!
     In the midst of the embattled stars,
And confronts the rage of Mars,
     Olive-crowned, with olive branches in her hands--
There, among the stars, she stands!

There, between the vans of battle — there she stands!
     Central splendor of the civic constellation;
Down she hurls the broken falchion, and extends her bloodless hands,
     Saying, “Peace! be still, O Nation!”
Like the Saviour, there she stands!

Peace imploring — there she stands;
     O beware! ye who would trample
Down her beautiful example;
     Thrice beware,
Ye who would tear
     The inviolable olive from her consecrated hands!
He shall die a shriftless traitor
     Who shall ruthlessly pluck down
From her hands the olive branch, or from her brows the olive crown;
     By the same sword he shall perish which he draws to immolate her;
Every scorpion shall expire
     By the same fierce fangs of fire
Which he darts to desolate her!
     Carnage shall not desecrate her,
Treason shall not violate her,
     Tempt her, nor intimidate her,
Though she falls right where she stands.

Orbed in order, crowned with olives — there invoking peace, she stands;
     There, despite the mad confusion,
Wreck and roar of revolution,
     Anarchy and dissolution,
In the music and the glory, of the good old Constitution,
     Sphered forever, there she stands!
It is there Kentucky stands!

--Louisville Journal.

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