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46. the patriot's hymn.

by Rev. J. F. Mines, of Bath, me., chaplain of the Second Maine regiment.

While the loud drum and fife,
     Angrily call to strife,
Still let us pray,
     Pray God that wars may cease,
Pray God to give us peace,
     Pray God our hearts release
From discord's sway.

Yet if the sword must be
     Guardian of Liberty,
Unsheath its blade!
     Grasping the trusty brand,
Heart joined to heart we'll stand,
     One firm united band,
God giving aid.

[49] Shame to the coward come,
     Death be the traitor's doom,
Perish his name!
     True be their hearts who rear
Our starry flag in air--
     Ever their praise we'll bear,
Deathless their fame!

Run up the Stripes and Stars
     Borne in our father's wars,
Victor through all;
     For it, on battle-field,
Their sons the sword will wield!
     Never that flag will yield,
Though we may fall!

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