Lots of people asked questions on yesterday's post, Testing a Theory. Unfortunately I haven't been able to answer any of them because once in a while Blogger glitches and doesn't let me reply to any questions. Go figure.
So I thought what I would do is go down the list of comments, and make replies as needed. If more people ask question in response to this post, I'll add them at the bottom of this post and answer as best I can. Sorry about that, but I can't control Blogger glitches.
Questions in the order they were asked:
Q: When will you do a longevity inspection? Also do you pop the lid into its original shape with the dimple out?
A: With disposable lids, they either seal or they don't. I've rarely had a jar unseal after storing it in the pantry, and I've canned thousands upon thousands of jars of food over the last 30 years. If the dimple is out, the lid didn't seal. If the lid didn't seal once out of the canner, then simply refrigerate it and use it up in a few days. If the lid unsealed after a period of time in storage, then don't risk using it. The food should be discarded in a place animals can't get to it.
It's surprisingly hard to photograph the "dimple" in the center of a canning lid, but I tried. The jar on the left is processed and sealed; notice the "insie" (inverted) dimple in the center. The jar on the right hasn't been processed yet; notice the "outsie" dimple.
Q: I have always water bathed my salsa and was curious as to why you used the pressure canner?
A. Never ever ever water-bath salsa. Salsa contains endless low-acid components such as bell peppers, onions, etc. The rule of thumb while canning is to process the food in accordance with the ingredient requiring the longest processing time. If you consult your canning book (I always recommend having a canning reference book on hand), they will ALWAYS recommend pressure-canning anything with low-acid ingredients such as peppers or onions.
Q: Can you please explain how you get your lids off the first time canner jar with out making a crease or a "lift" on the outside of the lid? I have tried many various ways and it seems like there is always an imperfection.
A: Yeah, it's kinda tricky. I used to use the bottle-cap feature on our can opener for prying lids off canning jars:
Then a few years ago I ordered a dedicated lid opener from Tattler (the red one). I liked it so well I later ordered a couple extras (the blue one).
However when I compared the two, I found they were different.
The red lifter – the one I ordered earlier – had a metal lip for prying up the lid.
The later version is blunt plastic.
I presume the reason this was modified is because Tattler got too many complaints that the metal lip was piercing the rubber gasket in the process of prying open a jar. I've never done that with the red opener, but only because I'm very careful.
Anyway, this is a long way of saying, use a blunt lifter of some sort on the disposable lids and gently work it until the seal breaks (other readers provided some excellent ideas in their replies to the last post). You might have to rotate the jar and pry at the lid from different positions before the seal breaks. But don't just use a sharp object (like the bottle opener feature) and bend the lid to open it. This way your disposable lids will likely be in fine shape to use again.
Q: I never thought of canning a store bought item (duh!) so thank you again and I will try it. Would water bath be good or does pressure canned do better for an already processed food product.
A: For things we often use, I like buying in bulk (usually from a restaurant supply store) and re-canning them into smaller and more manageable sizes. The usual things I re-can are mustard, pizza sauce, and of course salsa. I've also re-canned ketchup and barbecue sauce. The mustard can be canned in a water-bath since it's high-acid (30 minutes at a rolling boil). Same with ketchup, barbecue sauce, and pizza sauce IF it is nothing but tomatoes and spices. Salsa should be done in a pressure canner, 30 minutes for pints at 10 lbs. pressure (adjusted for your elevation).
If anyone has any more questions, just pose them in the comments and I'll answer them on this post.