Lately we've been seeing an amazing variety of mushrooms.
Some are bland (see above), some are showy (see below).
But I tell ya, when we went walking last week higher in the mountains, we saw mushrooms galore. As the old wordplay goes, there is fungus among'us.
I don't have any clue what any of these mushrooms are. All I know is there has been an amazing variety on display this fall, both here at home and elsewhere (such as in the mountains). Without further ado, enjoy the photo journal.
These little pale pink button-sized things were growing on the side of the road.
Older Daughter poked one with the end of a pine needle, and it oozed a gelatinous goo.
This mushroom looked almost like a dandelion.
Here we are, up in the mountains. We were probably at 5,000 feet in elevation.
These were fascinating mushrooms. They looked like little cities.
This one looked like coral. Someone had plucked this sample and balanced it on top a fence post, presumably for closer examination.
Here is some more, growing at the base of a log.
Other interesting varieties:
What a wondrous world we live in.