Showing posts with label flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flu. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by.

The technical difficulty we're experiencing is the stomach flu, which we're passing around and around. Last night was my turn. Gotta get my WND column finished and then I'm heading for bed.

Poor Lydia had no idea why we kept darting into the bathroom and yelling (retching) at the toilet. One confused dog!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Back among the living

I'm baaaaAAAAAAaack! At least, back among the living. Oh my goodness, what a FUN time that was. Nothing like a rousing bout of the flu to make you want to crawl into a hole and die.

So glad everyone enjoyed my husband's hilarious takes on life. See why I love the guy so much? Not only is he STILL getting up early and doing my barn chores (and believe me, at -9F this morning, that's no small thing!) but he can even laugh about it.

I'm not totally recovered but I'm at least back on my feet. Needless to say I have tons of back emails to address and lots of stuff to post. We were going to write a follow-up article to the Living with Livestock piece and post it on Thursday, but that (cough) somehow didn't happen. So lots and lots of stuff to do.

Don suggested I write a new book called the "Yogurt and Influenza Diet" but I told him I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Thank you all once again for your prayers and well-wishes!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brief update

Hi folks:

Patrice here. I cannot even begin to thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. Don's delicate reference to being "under the weather" hardly touches on how ill I've been with the flu. I can honestly say I haven't been this sick in a decade. I've been melded to the upstairs couch (which became an unofficial sickroom) for the past four days, alternating between bone-chilling fevers and drenching sweats. I've had nothing to eat since Sunday night except a little yogurt to swallow down the ibuprofen/acetaminophen combo that knocks the fever down to manageable levels (for awhile).

Don and the girls have been stupendous, pitching in on all the housework and barn chores, especially in light of the amount of snow we've received this week which (at the moment, until someone can plow our road) has us snowed in. I'm blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thankfully everyone else seems to have escaped the flu, perhaps in part because I've been isolated upstairs.

Needless to say I'm miles and miles behind on my emails. Please be patient, I don't yet have the brainpower to read anything. (Don's been posting blog comments but I haven't read them yet - he's been telling me about them.) I'm not over this by any stretch and expect it will take me a few more days to feel anything approaching normal. In fact, after I post this it's back on the couch because I'm weak as a kitten.

But I wanted to take a moment to thank you all. Your kind wishes and prayers mean so much.