Showing posts with label beetle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beetle. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

A very BIG beetle

The other night, after I'd gone to bed, Don was up late working on his computer. The deck doors were open, but the screens were shut. Note these screens are hanging magnetized screen panels, the kind you push through.

In the three years we've used these screen panels, nothing has ever come through them except around gaps (at the bottom, or if the center strips aren't properly together).

Anyway, all was quiet and peaceful in the house. Suddenly Don heard what sounded like a helicopter, except close by. Something punched through the screen panels into the house and flew over his head. He honestly thought it was a bat or a small bird. Mr. Darcy, brave dog that he is, headed for the hills.

Whatever it was landed on the window near Don's computer. It turned out to be a massive, massive beetle. Don was able to scoot it onto a broom, take it outside, and toss it off the balcony.

He told me about this incident the next morning. That very afternoon, while coming in from outside, I saw a massive, massive beetle scurrying across the washroom floor, heading for under the washing machine. I scooped it up with the only thing I had nearby, which happened to be an empty egg carton.

This was a BIG beetle, perhaps four inches long (not counting antennae).

It wasn't cooperating for the camera, so the shots are rather blurred.

After snapping pictures, I released it outside, where it scurried away.

I looked up "large Idaho beetles" and came across this chart.

So I'm thinking this is a Ponderosa Borer Beetle. Correct me if I'm wrong.

At any rate, Don's mystery critter appears to be solved. It's no wonder Darcy headed for the hills when it punched through the screen into the house. These are very BIG beetles.