Showing posts with label Galeries Lafayette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galeries Lafayette. Show all posts


Christmas show windows again, again, again...

As each year since I started this blog, it’s time to have a look at the Christmas show windows, concentrating on the department stores the Printemps and the Galeries Lafayette.

If you wish you can look back on 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

… and there is of course the tree under the fantastic glass cupola of the Galeries Lafayette, different each year.

The flowers we can see in the tree can be recognised in a large part of the Galeries Lafayette show window decorations.

A few of the windows are just showing “things to buy”, of course beautifully presented.

This year you will find all kinds of animals in the Printemps windows…

… whereas at the Galeries Lafaytte there is a concentration on bees.    



Now, if you wish to admire the glass dome at the Galeries Lafayette, you can have a walk on a platform, a glass-walk!

You can look not only upwards…

… but also downwards. You are some 16m (52 ft) above ground.

I don’t know if the installation is considered to be permanent or not.  

Maybe women and Scots should be careful about what they wear?


Christmas show windows again and again...

The years go by… For a few years I have been showing you the Christmas show windows of the department stores, "Galeries Lafayette" and "Au Printemps" and now it’s time again. (You can compare this year with 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009… )

The windows of "Au Printemps" could already be seen for a couple of days when "Galeries Lafayette" made their windows visible November 8 in the evening. They made an event of it. The curtains were opened in the presence of an actress - hopefully at least some Francophiles will recognize her. It’s not easy to get a decent photo when all the professional photographers are there in front of you. There was even music by the group “The Shoes”.

Time to have a look…

… first on the "Galeries Lafayette" windows where “paper” this year has been the major material used – see also top picture.

Playing with the lights...

The tree, all in paper, may seem less spectacular this year, but there are some shows and also virtual applications linked to it this year…  

The "Au Printemps" windows may seem more traditional and less brand sponsored than the last  few years.

Well, if you don’t find any better ideas for your Christmas gifts, here is a selection of scent-bottles. 


Christmas show windows 2015

For a couple of years now I have posted (see here) about the Christmas show windows of the department stores Galeries Lafayette and Au Printemps. Time again – yes, still a few weeks to go to Christmas, but… So, this is what the windows look like this year.

Starting with Au Printemps. Different themes, inspired by brands like Lancôme, Longines… The top picture is supposed to represent “La Fée (fairy) Printemps”.

The windows of the men's department are less fairy-like.

The windows of Galereis Lafayette are this year almost entirely dedicated to “Star Wars”. (Episode 7 will open December 16.) Of course I have to show what the tree under the cupola looks like this year. 


Christmas show windows again

As each year since 2009, I have taken photos of the Christmas show windows of the department stores Galeries Lafayette and Au Printemps. Now it’s time again, already... as many of us would say. So here you can see what it looks like for Christmas 2014. If you wish to compare with the previous years, you can click here.

My personal feeling is that it’s not the best year, but it’s still spectacular. This is first a general view, Boulevard Haussmann...

… and I guess I must also show the famous Christmas Tree which you can find under the cupola of Galeries Lafayette, this year in an upside-down version.

Galeries Lafayette has this year a majority of the windows prepared mainly for the kids, based on a theme of “monsters”. Very few products for sale are showed…

… except the ones of the “Gourmet and Maison” building, where you can be tempted by all kind of products.

Au Printemps’s widows are as usual obviously sponsored by a fashion brand, this year Burberry (see also top picture).