Showing posts with label Autolib'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autolib'. Show all posts


"No noise, no pollution"

« No noise, no pollution” is the slogan of the new service that is offered to Parisians: “Autolib’”, an electric car sharing scheme, which started by the end of last year. More or less following the example of “Vélib’”, which was launched in 2007 and which today offers some 20.000 bikes (see previous posts), this car sharing system started in December 2011 with some 250 cars and 250 “stations” - each one offering four or five recharge places - and should reach some 1.700 cars at more than 1.000 stations in 2012 with an aim of 3.000 cars in 2013...

If you go to the “Autolib’site, you can see where cars are available and where you can find free places for the return.

These electric cars (Blue Car) are designed by Pininfarina. They are equipped by GPS. If you subscribe for 144 €/year = 187 US$, one hour’s drive would be charged by 9 € = 12 US$. You can also use it more occasionally, paying slightly more. The cars are said to allow 250 km (= 155 miles) of driving before needed recharge and if you leave the city centre should be able to reach a max. speed of 130 km/hour (=80 miles).

I guess it’s too early to judge how successful the system will be. I have not yet tried. For the “no pollution”, of course we must not forget that electricity has to be produced somewhere, somehow.

”Autolib’” stations also offer charging services for private owners of electric cars and motorbikes.