Showing posts with label Cordoba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cordoba. Show all posts


Andalusian holidays (2)

The house which we had rented (see preceding post) was quite close to Sevilla, but even closer to Carmona, another ancient city, but much less touristy – referred to as Carmo during the times of Julius Caesar. We went quite often for shopping, for tapas…

It was also time to once more visit Cordoba, actually our third family visit - here is a proof, Stéphanie, my daughter, in 2000, 2011 and 2017.

The place, especially known for its Great Mosque, transformed into a Catholic Cathedral, is definitely worth several visits. (See also my previous post here and the top photo.)  


Vacations in Spain - Cordoba

So, I'm back from vacations (although as retired, you may say that I'm always on vacation). First a little visit to Cordoba, the ancient Iberian and Roman city, which in the Middle Ages became the capital of an Islamic caliphate. In the 10th century it was the most populous city in the world. It's perhaps most known for its Great Mosque, now a catholic cathedral, and the old Jewish quarter.

We can listen to Andres Segovia playing Suite Espanola by Albeniz.

I will be back with some visits to other places around Andalusia, but I will be busy the next couple of days, helping my daughter and her partner to move to a new flat.