The “fiat lux” took place last Wednesday and our beloved Amélie Poulain, alias Audrey Tautou, pushed the button. Unfortunately I was not present, had another nice appointment, so this picture is from a local newspaper.
The design has completely changed; the trees are surrounded by circles which slowly change colour. I have a doubt with regard to the “Christmas effect”…

I had some difficulties to choose the top picture, more or less zoomed. … and, for once, I had to admit that I could not use my favourite automatic settings, so I tried hard, trying to avoid trembling…
Half way down the Avenue, on the “Rond Point”, the decorations were also new. Further down there is again a Christmas Market, but I neglect to report about it this year, much more a market than Christmas in my mind. 

Marks & Spencer left Paris some ten years ago under not much appreciated circumstances, leaving some 1700 people jobless. They are now back and opened this week a rather modest shop on the Champs Elysées. Obviously more to follow.