Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cooper's Hawk

Immature Cooper's Hawk- Deer Haven Preserve, Delaware County, Ohio


  1. That hawk's got its eye on something. Great image! Are there a lot of deer at Deer Haven Preserve?

  2. Thanks Scott and Scott. Deer Haven does have a few deer- I once asked a member of the park staff if they had thought about that name- in today's world of mega-deer populations, I'm not sure I would name one of my parks "deer haven". But that's just me.


  3. I agree with Scott. That predator is alert and ready. :)

  4. Beautiful shot. Last year a pair of cooper's successfully nested in our yard. He rebuilt the nest this year, but I fear something has happened to the female as she is not sitting on the nest. Do you think he will find another mate in time for this year?

    1. E- I'm really not sure. I just don't know enough about the biology of Cooper's Hawks to give you a good answer.

    2. Thank you Tom. I guess the cooper's will provide an answer in the near future. I sure hope they will still nest.

  5. Just seen one land on my neighbors house here in Englewood Ohio. Never seen one in town like that, had a look like he was lost.
