Showing posts with label Cranberry Bog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cranberry Bog. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Visit Cranberry Island Before it is too Late

On Saturday June 21, the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves will hold an open house at Cranberry Bog State Nature Preserve. If you haven't been to any nature preserve, this is your opportunity. Cranberry Bog is not your average nature preserve. In fact, it is probably the only island nature preserve in Ohio. Fortunately, almost every year in June, the division opens the preserve for visitors. Come see pitcher plants, orchids, cranberries, and sundews at the bog. I'll be there giving tours. If you didn't sign up for a reservation, this year we are even taking walk-ins. For more about the site, visit the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves. So what happens if you don't go? This island bog is slowly eroding away. You see, most of Buckeye Lake was formerly a bog and swamp forest, but when it was flooded to provide water for Ohio's canal system, most of the excellent natural area was drowned. Cranberry island broke free and is now surrounded by lake water. Each year, small pieces break off, and in some years, hundreds of square feet go floating across Buckeye Lake. So, get out there while it is still there!

Here is the tiny carnivorous plant, Drosera rotundifolia. The small red glands help the plant capture insects.

The beautiful state threatened Calopogon tuberous, also known as the grass-pink. One of my favorite Ohio native plants, this flower is quite rare. The Division lists it as State Threatened.