The field season is at me fast and furious. So much to see, so much to document. If you've been with me for a while, you'll remember last year's
collective naturalizing posts. A list of pictures, some things I know, some I may not, but let's all work together to put names on these pictures that I took today from a swamp/fen/marsh complex in
Ashtabula County with Jim Bissell and the Northeast Ohio Naturalists of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. One hint: There are three species of plants pictured on the
Ohio rare plant list. One endangered, one threatened, one potentially threatened.
Guesses welcome, OK, here we go:
1. Midland painted turtle,
Chrysemys picta marginata
2. Swamp saxifrage,
Saxifraga pensylvanica
3. Necklace sedge,
Carex projecta, Ohio threatened species.

Viburnum opulus var. americanum (syn.
Viburnum trilobum), Ohio endangered species. Yes,
WoodsWalker, it is being munched by Viburnum leaf beetle!.

5. Some type of Sphinx moth. Any help here would be appreciated!

6. Beaver handiwork on
Populus deltoides.

Carex stricta, tussock sedge.

Arisaema tryiphyllum subsp.
9. Sensitive fern,
Onoclea sensibilis
10. Skunk cabbage,
Symplocarpus foetidus
11. Highbush blueberry,
Vaccinnium corymbosum
12. Two vascular plants here, one blooming, one not.
Maianthemum canadense and
Coptis trifolia
13. Cinnamon fern,
Osmunda cinnamomea 
14. Water or purple avens,
Geum rivale, an Ohio potentially threatened species.

15. Me driving in the car during a deluge, which we just missed before we got back to the saftey of our vehicles. In case you didn't recognize, that's Ohio on the left, Pennsylvania on the right.
Thanks for chipping in everyone.