Showing posts with label weston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weston. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2016

Arbour Adventures: COSI With Grandpa

Grandpa Glenn, aka "Bah" visited Worthington this weekend. We had a blast at COSI, central Ohio's famous science museum that draws families from across Ohio. Enjoy! -Tom

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Last View from Maine

One last shot of Maine.  Weston is my guy who likes physical adventures- boating, swimming in the pond, riding big wheels, and new this year, playing basketball.  We had a great trip in Maine.  I hope you enjoyed it!  Back to Ohio tomorrow...


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Birding at the Racetrack

Megan and I use an incentive system for the boys. When they do chores, behave well, etc., they get a marble placed in a mason jar.  When the jar is full, they get a reward. Weston has been wanting to go try the go-karts for a long time, and finally we had a perfect day for it.  He had a blast.

The track is situated right next to the I-71 corridor, a habitat that is often frequented by red-tailed hawks.  What luck that a beautiful bird soared right above our heads while waiting in line.  I just happened to have my telephoto lens and camera all set up for action shots.  The red-tailed hawk had eluded me for quite some time.  I just didn't have any great photos of this common bird taken in Ohio. Not anymore!


Sunday, March 06, 2016

We Made it Through the Birthdays

We've made it through a busy stretch of the year we like to call "the birthdays". It all begins February 16, where I add one more year to my age, along with my mom. Then on the 25th comes Brody, who turned five this year. Isn't that crazy? And this year, being a leap year, we had one extra day between the boys birthdays, as Weston turned seven on March 2. Needless to say Megan did a great job managing all the planning that comes along with this many birthdays in that short of time.

Our Worthington Kroger Mall has a pastry chef.  Everything was edible.  Fondant and all.  

We had the boys friends' party at the Central Ohio Fire Museum.  It was awesome. 

And we finished it all up with Weston's birthday this past week.  Another cake from our Worthington Kroger, once again covered in fondant.  The boys finished up the last pieces this evening.

And that wraps up our two plus weeks of birthdays.  We're a little older, a little wiser, and a whole lot sillier, judging by this evening's dinner conversation.  


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Natural Play Area - Highbanks Metropark

We had fun!  Thank you Columbus Metroparks for creating fun and free places for families to explore.


Monday, May 13, 2013

A Visit to the Ohio Railway Museum

Get this friends:  Weston is now four years old.  How the heck did that happen?  This Mother's day, as a gift to the mother of our house, Weston and I went to the Ohio Railway Museum.  Megan got to stay home and take a much needed nap.  The Ohio Railway Museum is located in Worthington Ohio.  It's now open for the season.  If you visit, just make sure you keep an eye on your kids.  There is plenty of trouble (rusty metal) for them to get into.  Ultimately, Weston had a great time. It's pretty cool that our small little city has an actual operating train ride.  It is a short ride- maybe about 15 minutes or so- but yes, but a real train it is.

The yellow shirt with the orange jacket ensured that I didn't lose him. :)  Don't worry, I brought him home.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Exploring the Olentangy

Exactly one month ago, Weston and I ventured to my old stomping grounds about two miles south of where we live today.  Like me, Weston is fascinated with technology, buttons, machines, and other man-made things, but he loves exploring "nature" and "the river" just as much as I do.


Monday, August 22, 2011

And Now for an Interruption

It's taken me almost two years to click through twenty four exposures of Kodak T-MAX 400, but a few weeks ago, I finally finished a roll.  I've never developed my own film.  But thanks to the help of friend James, I'm an expert (yeah right).  With his help yesterday, I developed my  first roll of film.  He was kind enough to drop off the negatives this evening after an overnight drying session, and bam, I popped them in the scanner.  Here's Weston's best "I'm cold daddy why are we outside are you crazy!?!" look.  I snapped this sometime last winter, as several of the other frames show a very pregnant Megan. 

I'm not sure how often I'll shoot and develop my own film. But it has taught me this: take the necessary time with every frame, digital or analog, so that I capture the very best image possible.


P.S.  Ok- How I missed the extra little black bar on the right side of the frame, I do not know.  I'm not fixing it!