Showing posts with label pink katydid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink katydid. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pinky Is Dead

Yes, my nature loving friends, Pinky has died.

More from the Columbus Dispatch (Notice the URL- katy_didnt, isn't that clever? Thanks to Colin for pointing that out to me) and Weedpicker Cheryl Harner.

UPDATE: Jim has posted the necropsy photos (an animal autopsy) on his blog. Beware, they are gruesome.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Up Close and Personal with the Famous Pink Ohio Katydid

You may have seen this female katydid by now, either on a blog, in the Columbus Dispatch, or maybe even in person. I had the opportunity to observe this shockingly pink insect yesterday, courtesy of Cheryl Harner and Jim McCormac. This creature was originally found by Jan Kennedy at Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area. Thanks Jan for a wonderful eye, what an amazing bug!

This is my contribution to this week's Camera Critters meme.