Hi Friends-
Before my memory of the tropical island of
Puerto Rico fades, I just need to start showing some of my images from the trip. Before we left, Megan got me a fantastic book by Mark Oberle entitled "
Puerto Rico's Birds in Photographs". What a fantastic book. With over 15 species of endemic birds on the island, I was very excited to see birds that I could see nowhere else. Although I had my brain in full-on naturalizing mode, I was paying very close attention to the birds, and keeping track of all the species that we encountered.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be intermixing my posts of Ohio's natural history with a few images from Puerto Rico. I hope you enjoy these amazing birds. And although Puerto Rico sounds like an exotic destination, it's only a 4 hour flight on US Airways from Charlotte- it is close.
Here is the Puerto Rican Tody, the first endemic bird species we ecnountered on the island. This bird was in a dry forest in Guanica State Forest on the southwest shore of the island. Megan saw this one first and said "tommy, there's a ruby-throated humming bird, right there!"
Well, it's not a hummingbird, but it surely does have a ruby throat!