Quadrupolar relaxation due to nonspherical (ellipsoidal) charge distribution that interacts with nearby electrical fields. Even though the mean distance (d) between the quadrupolar nucleus and the lone charge (+) does not change, nuclear orientation effects the energy levels and causes relaxation.
- Sodium in solution. Very rapid tumbling of the sodium ion produces random changes in the orientation of its electric field gradient, with “averaging” of the quadrupolar interaction to zero. Both T1 and T2 undergo mono-exponential decay, with values each of about 50-60 ms.
- Sodium in tissues. Here molecular motion is slowed and relaxation is dominated by quadrupolar interactions. Relaxation times are bi-exponential and much shorter than those in fluids. Typical short and long T2 values are on the order of 0.8 ms and 20 ms, while the two T1 components each have relaxation times of about 25 ms.
- Musculoskeletal. The highest levels of sodium in the body can be found in articular cartilage, where Na+ ions are drawn toward the negatively charged side chains of proteoglycans. Sodium level in cartilage measured by MRI can serve as an index of cartilage health.
- Ischemia. Total sodium concentration increases by up to 50% in stroke and by over 200% in cardiac ischemia with reperfusion.
- Oncologic. Malignant tumors exhibit increased intracellular and extracellular concentrations of sodium. Sodium MRI may also be used to monitor the effect of cytotoxic therapies, where a massive increase of sodium signal reflects apoptosis (dead and dying cells).
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Although ²³Na has no natural chemical shift dispersion, it is possible to use chemical shift reagents to generate spectroscopic type information. An example of such a reagent is the lanthanide chelate Dy(TTHA)3−. This compound is thought not to penetrate cell membranes and will therefore create a frequency offset for ²³Na nuclei in the extracellular space. Chemical shifts on the order of 20-40 ppm can be generated. Unfortunately current chemical shift reagents are all toxic to humans and hence remain confined to experimental use in animals.
The signal from sodium in solution can be suppressed using inversion recovery techniques. Multiple quantum filtered (MQF) methods may allow separation of tissue sodium signals into isotropic and anisotropic (e.g, constrained by collagen or myelin) environments. Diffusion-based sequences may also allow separation of sodium signal between those arising in the intracellular and extracellular spaces.
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Madelin G, Lee J-S, Regatte RR, Jerschow A. Sodium MRI: Methods and applications. Prog NMR Spectr 2014; 79:14-47. (very comprehensive technical and clinical review)
Nielles-Vallespin S, Weber MA, Bock M, et al. 3D radial projection technique with ultrashort echo times for sodium MRI: clinical applications in human brain and skeletal muscle. Magn Reson Med. 2007; 57:74–81.
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Ouwerkerk R, Bleich KB, Gillen JS, et al. Tissue sodium concentration in human brain tumors as measured with ²³Na MR imaging. Radiology 2003; 227:529–537.
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Zaric O, Juras V, Szomolanyi P, et al. Frontiers of sodium MRI revisited: from cartilage to brain imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging 2021; 54:58-75. [DOI LINK]
Zbyn S, Mlynarik V, Juras V, et al. Sodium MR imaging of articular cartilage pathologies. Curr Radiol Rep 2014; 2:41.
What are the causes of T1 and T2 relaxation?
What nuclei besides hydrogen can be investigated with MRS?